Beastie Boys parodied ’70s cop shows in their classic video for “Sabotage,” directed by Spike Jonze. MCA (playing Nathan Wind as Cochese), Ad-Rock (playing Vic Colfari as Bobby, “The Rookie”), and Mike D (playing Alasondro Alegré as “The Chief”) are now back together in miniature ReAction Figure form in a new three-pack. It includes all three 3.75″ articulated figures in a diorama box, as well as accessories (bananas for Cochese, a walkie-talkie for “The Chief,” and a donut for “The Rookie”), and an 18×24″ movie-style “Sabotage” poster. Pre-order yours HERE.
Pick up the 2009 2-LP reissue of 1992’s Check Your Head on vinyl in the BV store too, and watch the “Sabotage” video below.