Heavenly Blue, the Detroit screamo band who morphed out of Youth Novel, have announced a new album, We Have The Answer, due April 12 via Touché Amoré vocalist Jeremy Bolm’s label Secret Voice (pre-order). It includes “Certain Distance,” the song Heavenly Blue contributed to Secret Voice’s 2023 comp Balladeers, Redefined, as well as the just-released “Static Voice Speaks To Static Me.” Bassist Jon Riley says:
Static Voice was the first track I wrote on for Heavenly Blue. The band had sent me some Soundcloud playlists of demos and this one stood out to me right away. I used this song to discover my voice, as I had no idea before this project I was capable of anything but clean singing. I recorded myself with an iPhone and sent it over, feeling like I’d submitted an audition for the group, though it was never that formal. We call it the “pop banger” of the record, it has a more straightforward structure than a lot of our other stuff. We actually didn’t finish a proper demo with both vocalists and a revised bridge until more than halfway through the process of recording WHTA, but to me, this song set the tone lyrically for the rest of the album” Mel comments. Jon continues, “The origins for this song are when Mac had just moved in with me after working overseas for a few years. This was one of a few writing sessions we had during the height of the pandemic. We came to the decision to write something that sounded undeniably 90s screamo, was catchy like Knapsack or Jawbreaker, and had a more conventional song structure than some of our other songs. The result is maybe one of our favorite songs to play live.
As you’d expect from this band, it’s a dose of raw, furious, OG-style screamo, and you can check it out below.
We Have The Answer
Glass So Clear
Certain Distance
Static Voice Speaks To Static Me
…and Like That, A Year Had Passed
A Part Of Me, A Part Of You
Heat Death Parade
All Of The Pieces Break