Familiarize yourself with the lyrics of ‘Gbeff‘ by Jaido P and sing along.

Jaido P Gbeff Lyrics

Tori moti gbef (hmmm aya)
Omo loun fe kpef (ayayayayaya)
Fagbo tan Ko te pef (hmmm aya)
Aboku tofe test (ayayayayaya)

Shayo lo ninu benz (hmmm aya)
Pelomo to make sense (ayayayayaya)
Jaye lo with my friends (hmmm aya)
I want to lose my sense (yayayaya)

Forward ever I go just dey faya
But nobody want to see me gara
Pretty lady wonna chop my bana
Loke loke me I no be dana
Forward ever me I go dey faya
But nobody want to see me gara
Pretty lady wonna chop my bana
Loke loke me I no be dana

Omo me I wonna ease my pain
Overthinking dey cause migraine
Loud lori mi bi beat by Dre
‘Cause I need a way to feel irate
Cellular mi cellular mi tin vibrate
Mogbowo tan nimo migrate
Lesekese lesekese call my babes
People jealous of my grace

Emiole wobe
Tori moti gbef (hmmm aya)
Omo loun fe kpef (ayayayayaya)
Fagbo tan Ko te pef (hmmm aya)
Aboku tofe test (ayayayayaya)

Shayo lo ninu benz (hmmm aya)
Pelomo to make sense (ayayayayaya)
Jaye lo with my friends (hmmm aya)
I want to lose my sense (yayayaya)

Forward ever I go just dey faya
But nobody want to see me gara
Pretty lady wonna chop my bana
Loke loke me I no be dana
Forward ever me I go dey faya
But nobody want to see me gara
Pretty lady wonna chop my bana
Loke loke me I no be dana

End of Jaido P Gbeff Lyrics

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