‘Love Next Door’ continues to make fans giddy as the tVN drama has recently aired the third and fourth installments of the show. In the last episode, Bae-Seok-Ryu (Jung So-Min) and Choi Seung-Hyo (Jung Hae-In) had a bit of a squabble over a work conflict. But once Seok-Ryu realized that Seung-Hyo was right all along and that she needed to stand up for herself, everything was resolved, and they understood each other a little better. As they begin to realize their feelings, fans could likely witness a confession within the next episodes.
Meanwhile, Jung So-Min slays the fashion game in her trendy yet comfy ensembles. Here’s a look at some of So-Min’s best outfits from episodes 3 to 4 of ‘Love Next Door.’