Controversial Nollywood actress, Moyo Lawal, has accused those agitating justice for late Nigerian singer, Ilerioluwa Oladimeji Aloba aka, Mohbad, of almost dragging her into depression.

Recall that the movie star recently set the internet ablaze after her sex tape was leaked, which she claimed that the content happened years ago.

NAIJALOADED learnt that the video that went viral on social media, showed the faces of the actress and her ex-boyfriend on a bed, and it generated backslash and criticism online.

However, reacting to the show of love Mohbad received after his death, the trending hashtag #justiceformohbad on all social media platforms and the nationwide protests, demanding justice for the deceased singer, Moyo Lawal, in a post via her Instagram page described the act as one-sided justice.

She wrote:

“One Sided Justice: The same people who almost dragged me into depression when my nude video got leaked are the same people shouting “Justice” for Mohbad, God is watching.”

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