“Song That Found Me At The Right Time” is a video series by mental health organization Sounds of Saving and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline in which artists speak about mental health and the positive impact that music has had on their lives in that regard, and are then filmed performing a cover of a song that’s helped them along the way. The series recently featured Walter Schreifels (Quicksand, Rival Schools, Gorilla Biscuits) covering My Bloody Valentine’s “Don’t Ask Why,” and today they’ve released a new installment with hardcore outfit Soul Glo covering System Of A Down’s “Soil.”
“Most people who play really aggressive music are pretty mild-mannered, and I feel partially it’s because you’re just able to get out all of those very extreme feelings,” vocalist Pierce Jordan says. He also adds that “art is the only thing that keeps my desire to be here.”
Read more: 15 best modern hardcore bands for day one fans
Soul Glo are playing NYC’s Tribes of Da Moon festival this weekend at Bowery Ballroom (Aug. 19-20) with Zulu, Buggin, Move, End It, Truth Cult, Burn, Adrienne, Playytime, and more. Soul Glo, Zulu, and Playytime are also touring together this fall. See all dates here.
Check out their cover of “Soil” below.
This article was originally published on BrooklynVegan.com and was edited by Alternative Press.