The documentary following the story of Athens, GA, collective Elephant 6, aptly titled The Elephant 6 Recording Co., is set for theatrical release on August 25. The film “explores the unique inside story and creative evolution of the influential indie music collective that birthed formative groups including Neutral Milk Hotel, The Olivia Tremor Control, The Apples in Stereo, Elf Power, Of Montreal, and so many others.” It was directed and produced by C.B. Stockfleth, produced by Lance Bangs, and executive produced by Rob Hatch-Miller. Watch a clip about Neutral Milk Hotel’s In the Aeroplane Over the Sea via Rolling Stone below.
Celebrating the upcoming theatrical release of The Elephant 6 Recording Co., Greenwich Entertainment detailed premiere events in LA and NYC. In Los Angeles this Friday, August 11 at the Barnsdall Gallery Theatre, Sid The Cat will present the film and a tribute concert. The band will feature Mikal Cronin, Imaad Wasif, members of Meatbodies. with guest vocalists Corin Tucker (Sleater-Kinney), Kate Bollinger, Diners, Ben Lee, Amber Coffman (ex Dirty Projectors), Honus Honus of Man Man, Mister Heavenly, and more TBA.
In NYC, The Elephant 6 Recording Co. will play August 25-31 at IFC Center. The first two nights at 7:20 PM are special premiere screenings featuring a Q&A with Apples In Stereo’s Robert Schneider and, C.B. Stockfleth, and Lance Bangs — the 8/25 Q&A will be moderated by Busy Philipps, while the 8/26 Q&A will be moderated by David Cross.
There are many more screenings around the country, some with Q&As, and all are listed here.