‘When The Phone Rings’ was an intriguing drama with its mysterious and thrilling premise where Yoo Yeon-Seok and Chae Soo-Bin play a ‘show window couple’ who get entangled in threatening phone calls. While Yoo Yeon-Seok was worth watching as the affluent but distant Baek Sa-Eon, his sleek and luxurious fashion made the watch even more enjoyable.
Find out all the details below.
Yoo Yeon-Seok’s Fashion in the K-Drama ‘When The Phone Rings’
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Look #1
Yeon-Seok looked dashingly laidback in a black cotton, silk, and cashmere cardigan from Giorgio Armani in episode 6.
Look #2
The fitted blue and white Tod’s striped linen shirt gave him a sophisticated and put-together appearance.
Look #3
He then sported a navy ensemble of velour collar jacket and track pants, all from SATUR, over a white logo-patch cotton T-shirt from C.P. Company. He completed the look with VALENTINO‘s sneakers.
Look #4
In episode 8, Yeon-Seok wore a navy Ralph Lauren Purple Label striped linen shirt that looked incredibly stylish.
Look #5
He lounged in a turquoise shade cotton striped piping pajama set from SnappyCuddle.
Look #6
For a similar look, he twinned with Soo-Bin in another SnappyCuddle chilling stripe pajama set, this time in blue.
Look #7
Navy is his color as he turned heads in this pigment bio shirt from SUARE.
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