Doja Cat has made her way into the headlines after posting a controversial story on Instagram where she said that she feels “free” after a large number of people unfollowed her. The singer lost almost half a million followers on Instagram in a month, as she called her fans “creepy,” and asked them to “get a job.”
That apart, she also hurt fan sentiment after she criticized her fandom name, “kittenz,” in a tweet last month:
“My fans don’t name themselves sh*t. If you call yourself a ‘kitten’ or f*cking ‘kittenz’ that means you need to get off your phone and get a job and help your parents with the house.”
In the aftermath of such statements, Doja Cat lost a huge chunk of her followers. She then posted a message claiming how she feels that she has “defeated a large beast.”
Additionally, in July 2023, Doja Cat also blocked a number of her fans, who criticized her for having an alleged relationship with actor J Cyrus. At the time, many asked her to break up with Cyrus, as he had been reportedly accused of s*xual misconduct and also had “grooming” allegations against him.
Social media users outraged as Doja Cat claims she feels “free” after losing half a million followers
Singer and artist Doja Cat has stirred up a storm of controversy after she made a bold statement, expressing that she actually feels “free” after a huge chunk of followers unfollowed her. Her recent Instagram story, posted on August 16, 2023, has sent shockwaves through the online community, prompting a wide range of reactions.
As a Twitter account, @SaycheeseDGTL posted about the same on the platform, the comments section saw a flood of reactions from fans. While most were critical of the singer, there were a handful who claimed that they understood her point of view as well.
At the moment, Doja Cat has not spoken up about the backlash. However, her recent statements have made her followers question if the singer is even bothered that her fans are hurt.
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