Philly’s The Goalie’s Anxiety at the Penalty Kick have announced a followup to their 2020 debut LP Ways of Hearing, The Iliad and the Odyssey and the Goalie’s Anxiety at the Penalty Kick, due April 25 via Count Your Lucky Stars. “April 25” is also the name of the lead single, an earthy, slowcore-ish, post-rocky emo song that vocalist/guitarist Ben Curtwright tells The Alternative is “based thematically on Homer’s Odyssey, which is why the album is called what it is, and some other books I was reading at the time.”
“It’s a song about spending my fiancée’s birthday with her, getting food and going to the park,” Ben adds. “I came up with the guitar line while trying to tab out “Pioneering New Emotions” by Joan of Arc, which it turned out is in a really weird tuning, so it doesn’t sound that much like this song, though I did figure out how to play it eventually.”
Read more about it here and listen below.